Spiral Dynamics, Values and Social Change

Great News! Registration for the upcoming workshop is now open.

Date: 20 & 21 June 2019, 9am – 3pm

Venue: MTR Smit Children’s Haven, Port Elizabeth

Cost: R600 per person (payments made before the workshop).  For quotations for payments that will take place after the workshop (e.g. government departments), please e-mail werner@changeworks.co.za.  Cost include workshop notes, coffee and tea.  Lunch is not included and participants are free to bring lunch from home.

What is Spiral Dynamics?

I am not going to tell you the whole history of Spiral Dynamics or its fascinating link with South Africa here, but I will give you a brief overview.  SD is a model of the development of value systems or thinking systems in individuals and groups.  It explains how these value and thinking systems evolve over time as individuals, groups and systems progress through various stages of “values development”.  Each stage of development is essentially a response to the life conditions of the individual or system.

What will you learn at this workshop?

  • The basic principles of Spiral Dynamics and the evolution of value systems
  • The interdependent relationship between value systems and life conditions
  • How people and systems change and the conditions necessary for change to occur
  • How to assess individuals or larger systems based on Spiral principles